Hunting I

A group of friends goes camping in a forest, but their stuff gets stolen mysteriously….

Işık Eren Yıldırım, İlker Tetiker, Emir Hürtürk, Ozan Safoğlu

Lulled and in

Inspired by Drem Mindar’s poem, “Part Helena,” “Lulled and in” explores physical sensuality in the face of lethargic beauty, an antique Egyptian vase. A display of mutual submission and vulnerability of physicality and emotional states between two people. An exploration of mechanical bodily rhythms and the neglect of discomfort through tenderness. A timeless and spaceless mindset of truly feeling and endlessly surrendering.

Mert Dindar, Sinan Tökmeci

The Shoelace

Boredom is hard. A bored boy is even worse. He picks on his friend while she is trying to do some work until she is done with him.

Kemal Deniz Özben, Yasemin Duman, Zeynep Naz Alper